Our Project Model
Explore. Ideate. Develop. (EID) Project Model
Explore. Ideate. Develop. (EID) Project Model
Team Exploration explores new emerging technologies and how they are impacting or could impact different industries. This team explores each technology, measures its ability to disrupt industries, and tests its market feasibility within the next 10 years. At the end of each academic year, the team chooses the top technologies that our team projects should focus on.
Upon choosing one of the technologies identified by Team NEXIS, the project team will explore the technology in-depth. They will investigate the technology’s potential in different industries to solve user problems. Through iterations of discovery, exploration, and testing feasibility, the team will choose one industry and user problem to focus on.
Once the team has selected their industry and user problem, the team will begin ideating potential solutions using their emerging technology. Utilizing design-thinking principles, the team will conduct ideation exercises that provoke innovation. The team will develop low level prototypes of each solution and eventually select one solution to move into the development phase.
The team will present their solution and prototype to faculty and their peers at our pitchouts. These pitchouts are limited to 1-2 slides that are aimed to explain the technology and the user problem’s importance and how their potential solution can have a big impact on the users. Like pitching an idea to the C-Suite, the audience at the pitchouts will either give the project the ‘go-ahead’ to move into the development phase or ‘no-go’ to continue ideating.
During the development phase, the team will begin iterations of developing prototypes, gaining feedback from users, and ideating improvements. At the completion of this phase, the team will have developed a minimum viable creation to demonstrate the solution’s potential.
At the conclusion of the project, the team will present at the Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool) graduate research poster session. They will have a 2-minute pitch as people pass by their poster.
Successful NEXIS projects have the opportunity to pursue one of many potential paths within the Launch Phase. This includes the Business/Product path, Actualized Research (presented/published at conferences), and Implemented Research.